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Brian Lail

Department Head | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


The Walter and Hortense Nunn Electromagnetics Chair

Contact Information
(321) 674-8121
L3Harris Center for Science and Engineering, 212


Electromagnetics, IR/Optical Focal-Plane Arrays, Waveguides, Metasurfaces, Imaging

Personal Overview

Dr. Lail has interests in applied and computational electromagnetics. His research group has conducted research in the areas of EMI/EMC, electromagnetic coupling/shielding, antennas, and HF propagation. He is currently interested in electromagnetic analysis and design for applications in the millimeter through optical wavelengths. In these so-called microscale or nanoscale regimes, material properties become of critical importance and often limit the performance of traditional rf designs. In addition, the need for accurate modeling is enhanced due to the inherent challenge of prototyping and testing. Antenna-coupled sensors for imaging and the impedance-matching strategies required for IR/optical applications, frequency selective surfaces, and transmission lines for signal routing including novel designs that exploit surface polariton modes (plasmon and phonon) are developed with the aid of computational analysis.

Lail was a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) recipient, the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers, through nomination from the Department of Defense (DOD).